Sunday, December 06, 2015

As I started to type this I found myself reverting back to a dozen other posts...
I've been gone to long-blah, blah, blah. 
I've missed my creative outlets---blah, blah, blah
etc  etc   etc   etc  

So I will spare you of those and all the apologies that go with them....and lets just get on with life!

As you can tell from the list on the sidebar, I have updated my reading list.  I have a stack of great books that I am trying to get through with either hard copies or listening to them on Audible.  By the way, Audible has been amazing.  I'm on the road so much and being able to listen to great books while I am driving has been a blessing.

So are your plans going?  We have been having a minimalist Christmas the last few years.  With John being gone and my mom just doesn't get in the holiday mood.  I have let those things govern our holiday.  But this year, we have a little one in the midst....London who is about 2.  Having a small one in our midst has rekindled some of that holiday magic.  So there has been a renewed interest in dusting off old traditions and looking to establish new ones. I'm looking forward to this season in a way that I haven't in some time.  And that feels really good.

So I am dusting off the sewing machine, pulling out the cookbooks, and learning the importance of balance.  It is so not easy for me.....but I am trying.

It is good to be back. 

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Happy New Year!
Looking forward to the new year and all the possibilities! 
Life is settling down into a more normal (well, normal for me) schedule.  I have missed being here and be warned, I think I am finally BACK.....(smile).

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sunday Morning Grace....

In looking at what things I need to add in to my life, and what needs to go to the wayside....I realized how much I have truly missed having a voice here.  To share what is on my heart, what wonderful things and people I have found....and to hear back from you.

I am sad that what spurred me back is the tragedy that we all have witnessed over and over at the elementary school in Connecticut..   Such loss, such heart rending stories and pictures....and yet what snapshots of grace we have seen.  The stories of teacher's and children's bravery......of prayer and sacrifice.  Grace, amazing grace in the words of Emilie's father that spoke of his sweet daughter whose life was far to short.....and yet in his grief, he extends prayers and concern for the family of the gun man.  That is what living your faith looks like.

It reminded me of many years ago, when I had an online stay at home mom's group...even though it was not advertised as a "Christian" group, many of the women on it were.  I had one woman in the group that was Wiccan.....she privately told me that these women talked about Jesus so much, that she felt like she should leave.  I shared with her that if these women truly believed in Christ and were trying to live their lives the best way they knew.....then Christ would truly be woven into their everyday lives....just like speaking about your children or your becomes like breathing, a natural reaction to life.  She said she had never thought of it like that, and stayed with the group....I have prayed over the years that there were some seeds planted during that season with this sweet lady.

One last word on this tragedy.....let's not use it to further any political stance on guns or prayer.  Frankly, it is ridiculous to state that God was taken out of school....if you will just listen to the stories of these dear folks you will hear time and again....that He was there, there was prayer in school that day.  You can't take God out of something that He surrounds and should be carried within each of me He is present.....always.  

Hugs to you all....let us all not take for granted all those special people that pass through our lives each day....let them know what they mean to you!!!

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Back in Town.....

Recently, things that I have been working for the last 3 years have begun to come together.  As I work on setting up the business.....working with some products I wanted to add, I was surprised to notice that so many of the things that I have experienced, read, worked on, etc, were all feeding into what I need for this.

So many times we wonder why certain things happen or don't come together.  But I am finding all those experiences, even the ones we aren't thrilled with, come to play in the journey that we are on.

In the midst, I am learning a lot about letting go of some things in the past.  There are things and experiences I was hanging on to because they were familar.....tied to good memories that I wanted to keep.  But to stay attached keeps me from moving on to new things in my life.

I am going through my list of what works and what doesn't.  This blog has been so important as I went through some of the milestones that we have faced as a family.  So I really want to get back to writing here......and I would love if you would hang out here with me from time to time......:)

So let's just say I am "back in town"........and can't wait to have you all gather around the kitchen table for a cup of coffee and share what is going on in your lives too.

Talk to you soon!!!!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Well, I Am Surprised......

Frankly, I am surprised that you all have stuck around.....stayed listed on my Friends List.  I have been away for awhile.  But things are about to change.....I have two, count 'em two weeks left of school.  Can you believe it?  I know I can't.  This has been a long journey......not always easy.  But I have learned a lot about myself during this time, and I have been blessed to meet some truly amazing people who have demonstrated grace, wisdom, and sweet friendship.

So what am I doing?  I have started my business Graceworks, which is doing well considering I have only been able to work it part time while in school.  As of  April 9. I will be working the business full time and planning to add in the Esthetics part of my business by June (have to get through the State Board testing and licensing).  I am excited and I just love the clients that are coming to my practice, they have been wonderful and supportive!!!

I have been asked to host a giveaway soon for a creative product I think you will like....and I miss gathering here to chat with you all.  So look for some updates to the blog and more consistent posts.  I have missed you all and look forward to hearing from you as we share in our journeys!!!

Hugs to all!!!

Sunday, November 06, 2011

So I've Been Thinking......

I know, I know....dangerous ground.  (smile)  I have been reading a book that has been sitting on my reader for some time.  I started it in fits and bits....and suddenly it has latched on to my mind and heart.  The name of the book is Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne.

 I am almost finished with it.....and while there is some of it that I am not totally sold on....there are many parts that have majorly stepped on my toes.  There are things that I have felt should be done, that I have allowed others to marginalize and I have gone along. 

Sometimes we just need that wake up call.  Since leaving the church we were attending, I have been surprised at the things that I believe God placed in my heart, have come back around.  People, events, openings have appeared that I know have placed me where I am suppose to be.  I have learned that when God shows you something, just because those around you can't see it, doesn't mean it is not what He has lead you to do.  You just have to make the steps forward and you might just be surprised at who comes along side to join you.  God really knows what He is doing........what a concept!!! LOL

There is a book called Radical by David Platt, the book I am reading has some "radical" ideas and others that are out there echoing the same message.......but the distressing part of it is that as Christians, none of this should be radical, but just what we are called to do as Christians.   We have gotten way to comfortable in our churches, looking to build bigger and better.....and yet not willing to venture out of them to reach the world that Christ called us to.  It is not enough to send is not enough to post from the comfort of your home about problems and the is not enough to pray for someone in the mission simply is not enough.  But we do those things and it pacifies our conscience that we are "doing" something.....but it is so far from what God calls us to do that instead of it soothing us, it should be kicking us in the behind and into action.  I can't point the finger at anyone else, as I so know how easy it is to get lulled into simply showing up at church, and trying to be "good".  God didn't call us to be "good", He called us to GO.  We, especially as Americans, have become lazy and self indulgent......  and it is sad.

That is what is on my heart I wrestle with changes that need to be made in my own life.  That stepping outside of your comfort zone.  These things are never easy.......easy is, well, easier.  But where in the bible did we get a promise of a pass from conversion to comfort.  I simply can't find that in my bible.....  There are people today that are dying simply for their belief in Christ......and we sit.  And if that doesn't make us at the very least "uncomfortable" than we need to check our pulse, because something is dreadfully wrong.


Saturday, November 05, 2011


I didn't get the opportunity to post last night as we were hosting the Secret Church in our home.  The simulcast didn't finish until around any thoughts of posting were not going to happen! LOL  If you have never heard or seen on the the Secret Church can go to ITunes and check out some of the past teachings.  Really, really good stuff...and even though it is a long evening....there are plenty of breaks and David Platt does such an awesome job with the teaching that it keeps you engaged.

The next one will be offered on Good Friday......we did it last year at that time and surprisingly had a larger turn out at our house than expected.  So check it out and see if it is something you would like to do with your friends or family....we have found it to be a great time to gather, discuss, worship....and fellowship together.  But I think this next time I am going to suggest everyone bring a sleeping bag!!!  :)

So that is going to lead me to my gratitude for today.  Love when these types of teachings are simulcast or recorded somewhere that we can get access to.  There have been some great information about gatherings that are too far away or just too costly for our budget right now to attend....and I wish more would offer some sort of simulcast to participate.....I don't even mind paying, because it is still cheaper than the travel costs.  

So share with me.....what are your gratitudes???  What has God been speaking into your life?


Thursday, November 03, 2011

November 3 Gratitudes.....

I am truly blessed to have wonderful friends in my life that listen to those "God nudges"....and call or text or email just the right words that I need at that time.  May we all "be" that kind of friend to those around us.

I am grateful for a God that loves me beyond what I can imagine....who doesn't give up and walk away.....who blesses us with creative gifts and actually wants us to use them......who hates being put in a box and doesn't want us put in one either.  He is so much more than what we can imagine....and He wants so much more for each of us than we can dream...  How awesome is that???  And if we are willing to let go of our limitations......we would be amazed at what we could become. 

So my prayer for you is a prayer of forget the limits that others have placed on forget all you think you can't forget the hurts that have held you back.....and forget the words that have crippled you.  And I pray that you are open to the dream that God plants in your become so much more than you can imagine.

Love you all!!!

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

It's November........What Do You Have To Be Grateful For?

I love November.....and I love the focus on Gratitudes during this month.  It is a time to truly reflect on all we have to be grateful for.  We are headed into the holiday season, and sometimes we can get so wrapped up in the festivities and shopping and parties and all that goes with it.....that the true meaning of the season gets lost.  I am finding that this tradition of daily gratitudes, especially in November helps to put things in perspective.  So for me, I am going to post gratitudes in the sidebar everyday...and once a week I want to share with you a great group that is giving back and invite you to check them out.

It is not to late to get started with the November please, join me..... you have more to gain than you know.

Hugs to you,

Monday, September 19, 2011

So where am I????

Where am I??..   In the land of going crazy...LOL   I am getting ready to open my new business, I am excited, a bit scared and over the moon.

I will be posting more soon.....but I wanted to give you a link to my new business blog for you to check out:
Graceworks Therapeutic Massage and Bodyworks

So go by...check it out....leave me a message about how you like it or any suggestions....would love to hear from you!!!  As I set up this weekend, I will have some pictures to share.

Have a wonderful evening!!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

At Last....

I know I have been so inconsistent with my has just been crazy for the last two years.... but has arrived...

 Graduation!!!  I finally finished my Massage  Therapy courses and will graduate on Sunday!!!  Then on Monday I will be taking my licensing test.  I have already had a call to work at a local salon when I get my license, soo I am really excited to be moving forward.  I am still in school as I want to complete the courses for my esthetics license and being able to teach....but having this course work finished is such an accomplishment for me and I look forward to all that lies ahead.

Thanks to those of you that have been cheering me on and offering such encouragement....Love you all more than you know!!!

Hugs to you all!!!!
Debbie.....the graduate!!!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Two New Favorites......

Hello All and Happy Monday....
I love new beginnings and starting a new week is a chance to get a fresh start.  And I am working on getting back in the posting groove.

Today's Post is just a couple of my new favorite things and a recipe I tried yesterday and it is a KEEPER!!
Ok, for the favorite things:
Have you discovered ????  This is quickly becoming my new addiction.  There is just so much wonderful stuff on that site and it changes hourly!!!  Now I am going to give a disclaimer.  This is a broad community and is like being in the middle of the mall.....sometimes there is just stuff you don't like, approve of, or want to see....just so you know.  But I have found wonderful quotes, great calligraphy with scripture that I want to use in projects, craft ideas, wonderful-wonderful-wonderful recipes, decorating ideas, clothing to drool over and so much more.  It is just a collection of what people love in all forms... and as I said, there are things that I see and think "what in the world were they thinking"...but being an adult I can move pass that.  So if you are so inclined, check it out!  You can follow me if you like...and that is a good way to go, find people you already know on there and follow them.....then you can just read through the people that you follow.  There is also a tab for "everything"....which is just as it says , you see everything that is posted.  So check it out and let me know what you think.  I will be the one setting up the 12-step program for Pinterest addiction...LOL

My next new favorite actually came from a post on

I don't know about you...but I have seen Martha Stewart, Ina Gartner and others package their food items and other things in these wonderful packaging things that I didn't know where to get.  Well head over to garnish...not only do they sell some of the packaging, they have awesome ideas.

And since I am on a "Pinterest" ramble...I want to share a recipe I picked up there yesterday to try and it is a keeper:
 I am not a big biscuit maker.  I can remember my grandmother making them every morning and they were wonderful.  So I sort of put them in the "to hard to make them right" category.  But these changed my mind!

7-Up Biscuits
2 cups Bisquick
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup 7-up
1/4 cup melted butter

Cut sour cream into biscuit mix, add 7-up.  Makes a very soft dough.
Sprinkle additional biscuit mix on board or table and pat dough out.  Melt 1/4 cup butter in a 9 inch square pan.  Place cut biscuits in pan and bake at 450 degrees until golden brown.

Hope you all have a great day!!!!
Hugs to you all.....


Saturday, July 09, 2011

Technical Difficulties.....

Ok...I confess, I have been having technical difficulties with my computer "stuff".  First the dog we are fostering decided to eat my laptop cord, then the desktop computer keyboard took a vacation.....and during this my car has been in the shop (and STILL is) so I couldn't just run out and get them fixed.  But as of now, at least the desktop is back to functioning.  So I am BACK!!!!   :)

In the last couple of weeks there has been a parade of beginnings and endings....and fresh starts.  I finished my classes in Massage Therapy and I earned my degree....let's all shout Hallelujah together now...LOL.  I still have to study to take my boards to get my license, but I have already had a shop call and ask me to work in their salon, so I am thrilled that I have that coming in the near future.  I have had a couple of weeks off, of course it is never enough time to squeeze in all the stuff that I have wanted to do....but at least I have had a break.  On Tuesday, I head back to school for a 9 month course in Esthetics, followed by a 3 month course in teacher training so that I will actually be  licensed to teach at that time.  So I will be working and going to school full time....which  will be a juggling act for me as you add in home and my work with our church's women's ministry.

Also, I have had to have one of those sit down, come to Jesus meetings with my son about life...future....and how some hard decisions have to be made and carried out.  He starts school at the same time I do (at the same school) to be a surgical tech.  He is a great kid, but frankly has been really lost since his dad passed away...and he has needed to get some focus....and stop driving his mom crazy....but that is another story!!! LOL

For those of you that have hung in there with me here....thank you!!!
I will be back soooooon....

Thursday, April 14, 2011

And the Winner Is!!!!!!

Thank you to all of you that helped me kick off this first giveaway!!!  I wish I had a book for each of you....

The winners are: 
Teresa and Robin

Please contact me with you mailing information and I will get the books right out to you.  Send your info to:

Thanks again to everyone that signed up for this and for all the new visitors to the site.  I will be having another drawing for a new book in a few days, so check back.  AND I actually have some new post ideas running around my head that I want to get written up in the next day or so.

Hugs to all of you, have a wonderful day!!!

For the drawing, I used  just so you know.....  :)

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Book Review!!!

I am so excited,  I have been selected to be a book reviewer for Zondervan.  You're shocked to aren't you???  LOL  On a serious note, I have always been jealous of my friend, Jen, who reviews lots of great books and is always in the know about what is coming out.  Being in school, I haven't had the opportunity to read as much as I have this is a great way to jump back in.

Sooooooo......drumroll please, the first book is:

This is a book that I was talking about in an earlier post.  I have am really excited to have the opportunity to share this first book with you as it has made such an impact on me. 
From this book, I have learned about the word, Eucharisteo.  This word and this book are about the wonder of Grace, Thanksgiving and Joy. 

"That Thanks-giving might literaly become thanks-living."
-Ann Voskamp

In the past I have kept gratitude journals.  I can tell you from my experience that daily listing the things you are  grateful for will change your perspective on your life.  It is so easy to get caught up in all the negative that can surround you with work, family, church, the cranky neighbors......and you begin to act like a gerbil on a treadmill running the negative over and over in your mind.  Taking a deep breath and writing down those breezes that God sends our way each day stops all that noise.

Ann shares with you in this warm and heartfelt book her story.  She shares the hurts of her family.  The lifechanging moment of seeing her baby sister die before her.  So many reasons to mistrust, to hold God at arms length.  But through a dare from a friend, she starts a list of 1000 gifts from God.  Scribbled on pieces of paper and notebooks, the list grew and grew.  A change began....a life lived with thanksgiving for all that she had and hadn't even noticed.

I know you will love this book.....I know that if you allow yourself to be drawn in and begin your own list of 1000 gifts it will change you too.  SOOOO.....  let me help with that.

The wonderful people of Zondervan have gifted me with two copies of "One Thousand Gifts" to give away.
I LOVE having the opportunity to share this with you and I want to make it easy.  So here is how to win a free copy of your own....

There are three ways you can enter:
1.  On the left side of the blog, you can scroll down and to the box that says "Sweet Friends" and follow me. If you are already a follower, that is ok....just leave a comment that you follow me.

2.  Post about this giveaway on your Facebook.  (leave a seperate comment)

3.  Post abot this giveaway on your Blog.  (leave a seperate comment)

See, told you it was simple!!!  We will make this short too as I have another book to add in a few days.  You will have till midnight Tuesday, April 12 and I will post the winners on Wednesday, April 13.  Be sure to add your email address so that I can contact you.

Thanks so much for participating in my first book giveaway!!!!!!
Love you all......  count your blessings tonight!!!

Disclaimer:  Zondervan has provided books for this giveaway and for my review.  I am not required to write a positive review....I am only asked to review the book as I see it.

Monday, April 04, 2011

They are watching......

We all have a "happy place"...that store or place you go that just makes you happy.  For me, it is Hobby Lobby.  I know it seems silly, but I grew up with a mom that made our clothes, curtains, knit, crochet and tried her hand at all the other crafts that came our way.  I inherited that love of the "hand made", but with school and just life lately, I haven't had the opportunity to play with all the craft supplies that are stored around our house.  But Saturday I decided to make it a play day and go find some fun things to work with when I am on break.
Strolling down the aisles, I was finding lots of fun stuff to work with and was very happy. That was until the yelling started.  There were two women a couple of aisles over having a progressively louder, very heated discussion.  Apparently one woman had a young daughter with her that was getting into everything.  The mother in exasperation said she was going to beat her behind (insert another less appropriate word) if she didn't stop.  Woman #2 decided it was her job to correct this woman and show her the error of her ways.  Sadly, Woman #1 didn't see it that the war of words began.  To be very honest, if it was just the two women, it would have been humerous because the comments that they were throwing back and forth were getting more and more absurd.  And then there was Woman #2's parting shot that she hoped... "God Bless You too"....yes, you need to add dripping sarcasm here.  I don't really know how God got dragged into this mess, but there you go.
While two women behaving like the village idiots...well, that is one thing.....but what got me as I rounded the corner looking to head the other way, away from these two, I caught the look in the eyes of the young girl that was in the middle of all this mess.  The sadness in her eyes watching these two go at it made me stop in my tracks.  It was so sad to see her.  You know, it was a huge reminder that we never know who is watching us.  We may think it is no big deal....but it is.  We need to step up and be the heros in situations around us and not those that just simply are content to make a mess wherever we go, just so that we can "speak our minds".
As I was thinking about this I found myself headed down another aisle....and who would be coming my way....Woman #2 with HER mother.....  her mom was telling her that she should never have started that mess and there were just times to be quiet.
I guess we never get to old to learn something from our moms.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Simple Post It Note!

I have lots to catch up with on here, and I will work on that for the next week.....  But I ran across this and love it...  A simple post it note with an encouraging message....  How easy is that?  And who knows what kind of difference it could make to someone at a crossroads....  watch the video, grab a post it pad and a pen....  make a difference in how someone sees themself.....

Friday, January 28, 2011

One Thousand Gifts....

I love this book....and I am so excited to find that "incourage" will be having an online book group to go through the book a chapter a week, and each week there will be a video from Ann.  I am so looking forward to this!!!  Hope you all will join me in this....

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sunday Morning......

Good Morning All!
Sadly for me, I am not feeling well.  We had to miss services this morning at our church...which I hate to do!  We are attending a mission church, and we love the people, the services, just the presence of God during these gatherings! 
Seeing that I hadn't written for awhile, I wanted to post a few things to let you know that I was still around!!! LOL  Just a few more days in this quarter of school...and a light schedule for my last quarter in Massage Therapy.  So if I can just pull everything together for my finals on Wednesday, things should go a little easier with my schedule.
For those of you that can use apps on your phone, check out YouVersion.  It is a free app I found for my phone this morning that I think I am really going to like....and guess what?  It's actually free!!!!  It has several versions of the bible, devotionals and reading plans.  So if it is something you can use with your phone, check it out.

I am on such a reading jag lately.  Haven't had much time for it, but I have been so "hungry" for some reading time and this book is wonderful. I had heard about it from some gals that had gone to Relevant 10...rave reviews of this writer/speaker...and when I read about the book I knew it would be a must read for me.  It was finally released a few days ago and I quickly downloaded it!  This is one that will speak to your heart and her wonderful writing will cause you to want to slow down to savor each word.  I am just about a quarter of the way through the I will share more as I finish up.

Need to go for now....may each of you have a blessed Christmas season.  SLOW DOWN and enjoy what this time is truly about...the birth of the Savior who came to save the world.  Awesome heart stuff...... 

One more thing....I have been interested in Advent Conspiracy for about a year now.  I am working to set up a page to help with digging wells for clean water in underdeveloped areas.  When we have this put together I will share about it.  As a family, we have just felt impressed to not put gifts under the tree this year.....but to send what we can out to help those that truly need it.  There is something about giving a child water for a year that trumps a tie for Uncle Bob every time.  smile. 

Hugs and Blessings to all of you!!!!

Friday, December 10, 2010


Found this, Loved it, Wanted to share it with you!! You know how sometimes you are looking to put into words what you feel...and then you find someone or something that pulls it all together in a way you wish you had done. Well, this is!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The heart of it all.....

When I posted about struggling the other day, I know it may have seemed really "down".  But sadly, many times when God needs to get my attention, He has to get me to a place where I am ready to listen, and act.  Sometimes I can get what He shows me.....but putting  it into action---that can be a different story.

In this last week, I have read Francis Chan's book, Crazy Love and I am about half way
 through David Platt's book, Radical.  It has been a lot to think about, pray about, be convicted of.  Part of what I am getting from this is that we have twisted the gospel to make it "comfortable" for us.  We have settled into lazy christianity that we would be hard pressed to recognize from the example set by Christ.

When did it become ok to just give to others our scraps, our leftovers.....if we even think or give to them at all?  Looking at the percentages of children that are dying every day because of starvation and the lack of clean water is jaw dropping.  And I just think if these were our children, we would be desperate to find someone to watch our children dying would break our hearts....and to know that our children could be saved just on what is thrown away on a daily basis by the average American family....
that is truly obscene.

Do I have the answers for this  But I am no longer comfortable with life as I have been living it.  I have said before that it has always bugged me when I have seen stars like Jay Leno with all those cars in his collection.  Knowing that they are worth tons of money....and knowing what that money could do to feed a village, drill wells for clean water, build homes it just seems ridiculous.  BUT with that said, it is so easy to take shots at someone in the limelight.....sadly, if we would turn the magnifying glass on our own lives and habits we would see that we are just as responsible for the waste and not helping the problem.  And please know that when I say "we", I mean "me".

I am looking into some things that I can do to change they way I live and to be able to give.  We are so blessed to live where we do......but in becoming complacent with what we have and always expecting more....the blessing is being squandered.  And WE are going to be held responsible for what we do or don't do.  As someone just shared with me, "God doesn't grade on a curve".

As I research some things in my area and worldwide.....I will be glad to share with you.  And I would love to learn of ways you have found to give.
And for those of you that are nervy enough to say..."We need to just start at home first."....well, take some time and search the scriptures for the answer to that might be very surprised.

Hugs to you all....