Thursday, April 23, 2009

Headed for a Rainy Evening....

This is our sweet dog Abby.....this is her normal can find her like this almost any time of the day....except when she needs to make a short trip outside....or to request a refill on her food....LOL

These are some beautiful flowers my hubby brought in from the backyard....we have some beautiful plants...but they are the "everyman for themselves" variety as they don't get a lot of TLC from us!!! Poor things.....LOL

And now to what has been occupying me today.... I normally go into panic mode about a month before my craft shows and I have to work round the clock to get everything ready to go. I am really trying to be better about it this year, especially since we don't have the shop to worry about. So today, I have been chatting with my partner, getting dates set for the upcoming shows we want to do (in the Fall)....getting applications together to send in. I have decided (with a few exceptions) to just jump into doing all Fall/Halloween right now. If I concentrate on that for a couple of months, that should really put me ahead with stock for the shows....(ok, that is the brilliant plan in my mind....we will see how that pans out...LOL)

So I am pulling patterns, making lists of things that need to be ordered.....deciding what I really want to make and what I am willing to bypass this year. I am still trying to decide if I want to do our annual Fall Harvest Potpourri....and primitive soap.... I do know I will be making lots of fun tags (those were a big seller last year)....pumpkin dolls......primitive apples and pears..... and several new items.

I just have a tough time making things so far ahead as I am so burned out on the holiday by the time it arrives. But hopefully, starting so far ahead, it will be easier not to have to do so much at once. Plus, I am looking into some small shops that I can sell finished items to and also getting my Etsy shop/blog shop up and running.
Now....About the Scrapbook/Journal....I simply forgot about it!!! It totally left my it is on the calendar in BIG letters to get back to on Monday. Sorry for the delay.... I just really have been off track.

Just another friend Jen and I have tossed around the idea of a radio show for some time....the people we put together didn't fit.....then the timing wasn't right....just didn't quite work for awhile. But now it is back on the "do we want to do this list".....I want it to be about life....friendship, faith, current events, home, crafting.....a variety of items that we can share, and also introduce you to some of the wonderful women that we have found through websites, blogs, books and real what do you think??? Would you be interested in listening?? One difference for us over some of the others (that we enjoy listening too...)--We want to cover a broader spectrum of subjects....and from the prospective of mom's with older kids. There is so much out there for moms of smaller children and babies (I wish this had been available when I had a young child!!!)...but I think those of us that are at this stage of life need a voice to...and we have wisdom to offer those with younger children too.

That is what has been filling my day....
Hugs to you all!!!!


  1. I love that you are thinking of including moms with older kids! You're right, there's so much out there for moms with little ones, which is terrific, but what about us!? We seem to have been forgotten somewhere along the way for some reason.
    Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for Halloween/Autumn and would love to see the etsy shop up and running so I can spread the word!

  2. What craft shows do you participate in? I'm not far from Chattanooga and might be able to go to some of them. There's one really close to me in Oct. that I may participate in myself. I've never had time before.
    The radio show sounds great! I would definitely listen. I have grown kids.

  3. First...PLEASE make some more of your wonderful soaps!

    And the radio show... I would for sure listen in. Especially if it can be offered as a podcast (not sure what that involves!) I think there is a huge market out there for women of a certain age *g*. Sometimes I just get this odd feeling... I'll be out somewhere and I truly feel invisible, as if I could simply do whatever I wanted and no one would even notice. Yet I feel so ready to take on this new phase of life with energy and creativity... bring it on, Deb!

  4. Our dog loves to snooze like that too :)

    Happy blogoversary!

  5. Anonymous2:46 PM




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