Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sunday Morning......

Good Morning All!
Sadly for me, I am not feeling well.  We had to miss services this morning at our church...which I hate to do!  We are attending a mission church, and we love the people, the services, just the presence of God during these gatherings! 
Seeing that I hadn't written for awhile, I wanted to post a few things to let you know that I was still around!!! LOL  Just a few more days in this quarter of school...and a light schedule for my last quarter in Massage Therapy.  So if I can just pull everything together for my finals on Wednesday, things should go a little easier with my schedule.
For those of you that can use apps on your phone, check out YouVersion.  It is a free app I found for my phone this morning that I think I am really going to like....and guess what?  It's actually free!!!!  It has several versions of the bible, devotionals and reading plans.  So if it is something you can use with your phone, check it out.

I am on such a reading jag lately.  Haven't had much time for it, but I have been so "hungry" for some reading time and this book is wonderful. I had heard about it from some gals that had gone to Relevant 10...rave reviews of this writer/speaker...and when I read about the book I knew it would be a must read for me.  It was finally released a few days ago and I quickly downloaded it!  This is one that will speak to your heart and her wonderful writing will cause you to want to slow down to savor each word.  I am just about a quarter of the way through the I will share more as I finish up.

Need to go for now....may each of you have a blessed Christmas season.  SLOW DOWN and enjoy what this time is truly about...the birth of the Savior who came to save the world.  Awesome heart stuff...... 

One more thing....I have been interested in Advent Conspiracy for about a year now.  I am working to set up a page to help with digging wells for clean water in underdeveloped areas.  When we have this put together I will share about it.  As a family, we have just felt impressed to not put gifts under the tree this year.....but to send what we can out to help those that truly need it.  There is something about giving a child water for a year that trumps a tie for Uncle Bob every time.  smile. 

Hugs and Blessings to all of you!!!!

Friday, December 10, 2010


Found this, Loved it, Wanted to share it with you!! You know how sometimes you are looking to put into words what you feel...and then you find someone or something that pulls it all together in a way you wish you had done. Well, this is!