As I started to type this I found myself reverting back to a dozen other posts...
I've been gone to long-blah, blah, blah.
I've been gone to long-blah, blah, blah.
I've missed my creative outlets---blah, blah, blah
etc etc etc etc
So I will spare you of those and all the apologies that go with them....and lets just get on with life!
As you can tell from the list on the sidebar, I have updated my reading list. I have a stack of great books that I am trying to get through with either hard copies or listening to them on Audible. By the way, Audible has been amazing. I'm on the road so much and being able to listen to great books while I am driving has been a blessing.
So are your plans going? We have been having a minimalist Christmas the last few years. With John being gone and my mom just doesn't get in the holiday mood. I have let those things govern our holiday. But this year, we have a little one in the midst....London who is about 2. Having a small one in our midst has rekindled some of that holiday magic. So there has been a renewed interest in dusting off old traditions and looking to establish new ones. I'm looking forward to this season in a way that I haven't in some time. And that feels really good.
So I am dusting off the sewing machine, pulling out the cookbooks, and learning the importance of balance. It is so not easy for me.....but I am trying.
It is good to be back.

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