sharing thoughts, ramblings, moments of inspiration and creativity...and just highlights from a day of grace. "I want to be known as a Christian...that colors outside the lines and sometimes runs with scissors."
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Stolen Words...
"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have."
Monday, February 23, 2009
Let's Get Started......

First, it doesn't matter what size book you choose to use. You can use what I did--an artists sketch pad (and those come in several sizes)...a regular scrapbook....just whatever feels like fun to you.
What do you need...really it depends on what you would like to work with...some ideas:
- Scrapbook papers and cardstock (these can be used for your backgrounds, to frame pictures with, for writing blocks....or just to decorated the page a bit)
- Colored pencils....great for doing little illustrations...and you don't have to be a great artist to do this. Sometimes fun squiggles and stick people are a fun way to illustrate an idea.
- Adhesive...I love the scotchtape brand scrapbook tape..that has been working really well for me. But there are alot out there..glue sticks are good too!
-, magazine pictures, etc....just begin keeping an eye open for unique picturesof things you "love"
- Memory Items...that menu from a favorite recipe...a paint chip from your favorite room...wrapper from your favorite candy bar. This is just something that might work for something on your list. You probably don't want to do this for every item (then again, it is YOUR book, use this item as much as you like, as little as you like, or not at all).
Remember, this is different than a regular scrapbook. I have scrappin friends that are militant about having whatever they put in their books not damaging the books so that they will be pristine in 100 years. Frankly if it comes to chosing between being "pristine" and sharing a memory...memory wins every time And think about it, there are things that we know damage books....but with the way things change (going digital and such)...they will be able to view the books (if our intention is to share these) over the years.
I think it would be great if we all shared a list of 5 things we love each Monday...things that we are going to concentrate on in our books first. Doesn't mean you have to stick to those if something new comes to mind...but it is a great way to at least start thinking about it and planning what you would want on those pages.

- I would love for you to leave a comment about what you have found to work with for your book.
- A list of 5 thing you love...
- Do something fun for the cover of your book (you can do it now...or if you want to see how your book goes for a different idea for how you want your cover)
- PLEASE do or at least work on your first page, which should be your introduction....possibly a picture of yourself, why you wanted to do this, maybe something you hope to share with this book.
So glad you are working with me on this and I can't wait to see what you share next week!!!
***Don't forget to enter the drawing!!! Just a few days left!!!
Have a great Monday!!!
**My things I love list for this week:
favorite resturant
best friend
favorite books
favorite quilt shop
favorite room in the house
(Looking forward to seeing your list...I already have pages completed in my book..and you will see how you can continue to grow your book as you find new places, new things, new people and new experiences in your life!!)
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
February Valentine Love....

BUT....what I had planned for that post was to share with you some of the "new" things that I love. I thought it might be fun to do this once a month and hope you will join me by sharing any "new" stuff that you have found in the comments....c'mon, play along!!!!
I LOVE the Orville Redenbacher Naturals popcorn...Lime and Salt flavor. Yes, my family turned up their noses when they saw the box, but they are new converts too. Love the flavor and just the right snack for "something different"....
I LOVE the blog "Stuff Christians Like"....great thought, lots of humor...and just some things that make you go. "hmmmmmm"
I LOVE the "house helpers" knit pattern posted on . I am strictly a "simple" knitter and this is a great pattern, so darn easy and I love using these around the house and for gifts.
I IMMENSELY ADORE the Summer Wind Quilt at the last half of this blog post...
Simplify . I am a new quilter and there is just something about this quilt that grabs me. I saw the original pattern and while pretty, it didn't get to me till I saw it in these colors...definately on my "to do" list.
I LOVE Sephora....ok, now all of you can just shake your heads in disbelief that it has taken me so long to catch on to this. But I just found that there is one within reasonable driving distance AND my friends FINALLY clued me in to signing up online for their great deals. I am sharing this so you don't have to wait any longer to develope Sephora-love!!
I LOVE my girlfriends on the Celebrate list...gals that I have known forever and new friends that share their hearts, laughter, some tears...but always the example of what good friends truely are!
AND I WOULD REALLY, REALLY, REALLY LOVE IT...if you would join me here on Monday, February 23 for my "Things I Love" scrapbook/journal group....AND IT WOULD BE AWESOME if you would check out the previous post on my fun giveaway!!!
Something else I love??? All of you that stop by to visit, comment, have great blogs that I read and am inspired by....thank you for sharing a bit of "you" with the rest of COMMENT why don't ya??? LOL Tell us some of the things that you love....
Thursday, February 12, 2009
For Your Gift Closet Giveaway.....

In the past, we have talked about having a gift closet. It is so great to have some items on hand for quick last minute gifts...or to put together great gift baskets for those special occasions. I don't know about you, but if I am surprised by forgotten birthday, or just something where a friend needs a pick me up, it usually occurs when I am "broke" or don't have time to get out to shop...having these things on hand, really make it easy to "bless" someone in your life.
SOOOO...what is in the giveaway? I have put together an eclectic collection of fun items to use for yourself or to have on hand for gifts. The give away includes...a set of 4 stacking boxes (these can be used to decorate with or to use as gift boxes), a folkheart notebook, a Mary Englebriet mug (it is large and I love using mine but it is also such a good size to use for gifts--fill it with coffees, cocoas, teas, honey sticks, candies), a small gift book "Apronisms" with fun quotes and two tarts in the Amish Country Store scent to fragrance your home or add to a gift. This gift package retails for around $40.
And how do you win??? I want to make this very simple for all of us!!! The contest starts today and runs through March 1st with the random drawing being held and posted on March 2nd. To enter the drawing....
*just leave a comment below and be sure you leave contact information
*for an additional entries leave seperate comments that you have done any of the following:
become a follower...or if you are already a follower..just let me know.
become a twitter follower....there is a box for this on the right side of the page...
blog about it and invite your friends (5 additional entries)...leave your blog link
I hope you will all join in!!!! Have fun with this and let me know if you have any questions!!!
Thanks for participating!!!!
***Also check the post for February 9th about our Things I Love journal group...I would love to have you join in!!!!
Monday, February 09, 2009
Want To Join Me????

Sunday, February 08, 2009
Creatively Speaking.....
Do any of you deal with that....just needing a kick start to get moving again??? When I lived in Indiana there were several awesome quilt and craft well as several really good prim shows that I could visit for inspiration and fresh ideas. Living where I do now, I rely for most of my inspiration on the computer...and while there is some great stuff here, it is not like being there in person to feel the fabrics and chat with the designers/instructors.
Knowing that I needed a creativity boost....I signed up with a friend to take a quilt class. Now I have worked in quilt shops, been around quilting for all of my life (my mom, grandmothers and aunts are all wonderful quilters)...but I never had the desire to really step into quilting. First, I am sooooo not a precision person..and you really need to be able to match things up. Maybe this is why I love my primitives, not quite so perfect!!! But I thought I would give it a go anyway.
I have found that I love favorites are primitive and cottage look fabrics. Sadly I see a new addiction forming...LOL Here are some of the squares from my beginner class....

I am so looking forward to playing more with the quilting and want to look into some classes on machine quilting techniques and binding....(that was not covered in our class)...but I have found some great online info on these too.
Have a great evening!!!
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Prepare To Be Dazzled....