Friday, April 18, 2008


A few years ago, a friend dropped by with her daughter. As they were looking around at something new I had done to the dining room (things are always "on the move" in our who knows what the big change was that daughter noticed a sign I had above my dining room window that said, "Simplify". She remarked, as only a teenager can..."doesn't it defeat the purpose when you have to buy stuff that says what you are trying to do?"

Ok, so maybe it is alittle counter productive to buy stuff to remind you to get rid of stuff...LOL

But I think we all need reminders at times....that note on the refrigerator to remind you that you really don't need another serving of pie, notes to the kids to remind them to do their chores, notes on the mirror to remind us to do those checkups that we would like to forget about...just reminders of what is important for us.

Thank you for the reminders that I have received the past day or two from several of you....reminders of God's grace, of friendships, of prayer warriors. Those are the reminders that lighten the load of all the daily stuff that comes into our lives. It is good to get those reminders....because it is amazing at times how easily we forget.

So this is your reminder from me....I want to remind you that your friendship is cherished and that you are all in my prayers, as I am so thankful for each of you.


"I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus." 1 Cor. 1:4


  1. Debbie, just dropping by to thank you for visiting my little corner of Blogdom the other day and leaving such a nice comment. It was especially appreciated that day!

    Isn't it great to have teenagers in our lives who speak without giving much thought to their words? :D

    I'm going to be visiting you more after a while. You have such a nice blog!

  2. Thanks so much Vee....I love your blog and will be adding you to my favorites. It means so much to have you drop by with such sweet comments!!!

  3. Such a good message. I need to simplify not only my home but many things in my life.

  4. Ashley...I find that things like this tend to spill over into other areas of our lives too. So once we begin to get a handle on something...we reap those benefits in many ways.
    Thank you for stopping by!!!


I love hearing your input, comments, ideas and encouragment.....thank you!!!